Sunday, September 29, 2024

Cataplana Portuguese seafood stew

Cataplana seafood stew

I'm on a cooking adventure and progressively learning to cook some Portuguese dishes. My first attempt was the Francesinha sandwich that I'm convinced was invented by someone who needed a hangover cure. I can share that recipe another day. But for today, this was my second attempt and it turned out stunningly delicious. It's a Cataplana which is a Portuguese seafood stew.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Cowboy butter salad dressing

Gourmet hot dogs

After I made the cowboy butter the other day to go with the tomahawk steak we had for lunch, we still had A LOT of steak leftover. Two people cannot eat 2 kilos of steak. It's just not physically possible for us. Anyway, with the leftover steak, I decided to use it in a salad and turn the cowboy butter into a creamy salad dressing. Yum! And it's super easy.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Cowboy butter and dipping sauce (apparently it's a viral thing)

Cowboy butter and dipping sauce

I didn't know there was such a thing as Cowboy Butter until I tried it with prawns at our local pub. The pub has just been taken over by some new owners and the prawns in cowboy butter was a new side dish on the menu. Yum! Then I did a search and found out that apparently this was viral on the clock app about a year ago. Since I have a hate-hate relationship with that app, I had no clue. I am not what you'd call a trendy person. Good thing the new owners of our local pub is. I'm making it today to go over a tomahawk steak we got from our local butcher, so decided to throw up the recipe on the website. Enjoy!

Friday, September 20, 2024

Slow cooked braised garlic chicken UPDATED

Updated braised garlic chicken

My original braised garlic chicken from a decade ago has been super popular over the years and each time I make it, I get asked for the recipe. I've tweaked and updated the recipe from the original, so I thought I had better update the recipe on the website too. You won't find me blathering on an on (one of the few places I don't!) so let's get right onto the recipe.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

How to use calcium propionate in sauce

Calcium propionate

I have been looking for something to extend the shelf life of my sauces and came across calcium propionate. It's predominantly found in breads and baked goods as a preservative to inhibit or slow down the growth of mold and prevent spoilage, but can also be used in dairy, beverages, alcoholic drinks, and processed meats. It is also used in sauces, jellies, and jams, etc.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Easy minced pork and egg curry noodles with leftover curry sauce

Easy leftover curry noodles

A little while ago I posted a recipe for my Easy Yellow Chicken Curry. That was delicious but we had a serve of leftovers and also a lot of leftover curry sauce. I was going to toss out the sauce but The Boy insisted I save it. He said the sauce was so good, we could have it over noodles or rice again. Listening to him, I kept the sauce. I finally decided to use the sauce and cooked up a delicious, simple noodle dish.It was definitely more-ish.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Grown up mac and cheese

Grown up mac and cheese

I've been meaning to make this dish for a long time. I saw it years ago in a video and wrote down the recipe. In the last month, I've been putting it on my list while meal planning and for some reason, it keeps getting knocked off. I finally got round to cooking it today and boy, it's delicious. It's certainly not your regular Kraft box mac and cheese. I like to think that I'm being a little healthier by adding spinach and tomatoes.