Monday, January 25, 2016

Cous cous salad with grilled chicken tenderloins

It's been forever since I've written a foodie blog post and I'm sorry for that. We haven't been home much and hence, there hasn't been much cooking. When we have been home, The Boy has asked for some old favorites and there hasn't been a lot of experimenting.

This hear is the first new thing I've done in a while. It's Summer right now and the weather has been particularly cruel to us. We've had horrible 40°C plus temps and when it hasn't been stinking hot, it's been pelting down rain.

With this heat, The Boy has been asking for salads. Actually, I tell a lie, there's another salad I've made which I haven't posted about. I'll do it another day.

This little salad is one I threw together with some inspiration from a cookbook. I was browsing for a recipe and found one for a cous cous salad. I didn't make that particular salad, but I went with the cous cous idea.