Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thank goodness for friends bearing food

I want to apologise for not blogging more often recently. Work has got me rather tired lately and I'm finding that I am getting home much later than anticipated. While I thought I was adjusting to the routine, the routine has changed a little bit on me and I have discovered two things.

(1) I am getting home later than anticipated.

(2) I am not hungry when I get home so all I want to eat is fruit. I have been craving a lot of fruit for dinner. That does not entail much cooking.

Tonight, we were meant to be heading out to HUX @ Nortons for dinner but just before heading out The Boy got a call from the best bud asking us if we would like Thai food. They were heading out to their favorite Thai place and thought they'd pick up the food and bring it back to our place for dinner.

What a fabulous idea!!

Hence that scrumptious display of Thai food in a sea of take away boxes on the dining room table that made up dinner for tonight.

Very yummy all around.

Hooray for best buds and not having to cook because I was too tired.

© This work is copyrighted to Invest-Ex and Destiny’s Fortunes Pty Ltd


  1. And you can read my blog SAZ in the Cellar to find out what wine we drank with the Thai food!

    1. You forgot to include the link to your blog -
