Monday, December 13, 2010

Paper book or eBook or both?

There has been much upheaval in the publishing industry of late for those who have been following the news.

Paper books DTBs, as they call them) or eBooks.

The traditional publishers who do DTBs are struggling to keep up with the changing times in the industry as new self-published and indie authors break out into the publishing market with eBooks and "self-publish" through mediums like Amazon Kindle's Digital Text Platform, Barnes and Noble's PubIt! and broader eBook publishers like Smashwords that delivers eBooks to all other electronic platforms.

A young unknown author, Amanda Hocking, is said to have sold over 10,000 books in a week according to eBook guru and evangelist J A Konrath. 

Huffington Post reports of a self published author, Brian S Pratt, who is going to make $25,000 this quarter in eBook sales

Of course, there’s much more to the story than that. For every one who is a success, there are many who are not. Some publishers are moving towards the digital reading platform and handling it well – eHarlequin is one of them, as are some of the electronic only publishers (whose names I can’t remember right now).

What about you - the READER?

What do you prefer?

What percentage of your reading is eBooks? Paper books?

What eReader do you use? Kindle? Kobo Reader? Nook? Sony eReader? Mobile phone / smart phone device - like the iPhone, Android phone, Blackberry?

How do you compare the reading experience between eBooks vs Paper books?

Do you enjoy one more than the other?

If you don't read eBooks now, do you think or plan to make a switch?

I started reading eBooks in 2001. Why? because I ran out of shelf space.

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